Hurt Free 2021 —
How many times our heart has been hurt and how many we have hurt. Someone else? A series of plexiglas hearts with knives coming out from them. A sort of ritual to free the heart from the hurting evil. The knives reflect as mirrors on both sides, letting us recognize ourselves as victims and executioners.
My Personal Battle —
“SantaS Battle” is part of a series of helmets that you can also wear. I thought I would like to have some sort of armor with spikes that keep both defense and for an attack to want to remember that we are ready to fight for what we believe in and we take refuge not only physically but as a thought to protect our unique and unrepeatable essence, our rights, freedom.
Candy Skkinnhands —
The colorful paradise of SantaSeveso explores human identity starting from the body in the form of candies. The playfulness of colored sweets and the drama of what is inside them is a right combination that reflects modern society poised between substance and appearance. Each piece is unique because it is the mold of a real person who leaves his passage here.
Flat Candy Skkinnhands —
The precious and unique bodies seen in the form of candy that takes us back to a fantasy world with a strong real aftertaste sometimes devastating.
Overturning the point of view in which it is no longer the body that eats the food, but the food that engulfs the body. Each piece is unique because it is the mold of a real person who leaves the his passage.
Lollipop Skinnhands —
In the form of lollipops, the Candy skkinns project analyzes the parts of the body starting from the skin which is the most external part, the one we see and recognize as the human body. Each piece is unique because it is the mold of a real person who leaves his passage here.
Cassata Nails —
Sweet cassate that satisfy us just by looking at them, but with a surprise, a nail. A double playfulness. Also striking the visitor in an astonishing way so as to ask questions about who we are, what we eat and the value we have.
Chocco Nail, Cream &
Pastries Mix —
Let yourself be enraptured by harmless sweets, mixes of pastries and chocolates in which man takes part today, where the attention rests more on appearance than on substance.
Frozen Eyes —
What if food looked at us before being eaten?
What we see observes us. Becoming aware of another point of view besides ours, perhaps we should start doing it.
Il Volo Polimerico —
Attentive to environmental problems, she creates "Il Volo Polimerico" through the recovery of waste material in plastic companies.
Green Eyes —
The artist's intent is to bring out a greater awareness of our identity in relation to what surrounds us e creating an ecological awareness, which transforms what without art would be waste .
MiAbito 2009 —
“I've always thought that furnishing a home shouldn't just be something that is placed there to fill a space we call a room. On the contrary, it must belong to us completely, it must reflect ourselves in depth, not only by choosing the pieces to insert but by making them unique"
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